Sunday, 2 May 2010

Sketchdump ahoy!

Er - apologies for being absent for more than a month. School ate my brain.

The comic project is progressing bit by bit - I've finished the pencils for all pages (save one panel on page 27), and I've inked almost eleven, so that's nice. Hopefully, I can keep this pace up.

But this post isn't about that. This is a sketchblog, so enough babbling: this is what I've been doing when I haven't been inking an endless parade of trees and stairs and shrines.

The God of Winter, again - more sketchy this time, and with more snow. ... I really want to draw him in a comic sometime, but I don't have time right now.

Ichinose and Sawada - two of my mobster-characters - in their uniform (drawn mostly as a brainless stressreliever, and as a size-comparison; she is really freaking tiny) - with a line of baby-Bonebirds on the side.

Speaking of mobsters - here, have another. Kimov, the Russian hitman!

Sometimes, I draw comics that aren't tengu-related. This is one of them. I swear, one day I'll ink it and letter it properly.


  1. "Ichinose and Sawada - two of my mobster-characters - in their uniform" -- I really keep reading this as "unicorn form". I think it's the baby Bonebirds (ADORABLE!).

    She really is freaking tiny. I like it! ^_^

  2. Bwahahaha - unicorns? That's even better than my classmate's mis-read; he read it was "Ichy Nose and Seaweed". XD And yeah, she is freaking tiny; she's 147 cm/4'8, while Ichinose is 179 cm/5'8.

    Couples with tremendous height-differences yay!

  3. I adore that couple. I really do. ^__^

  4. Serien längst ner verkar spännande! Bara en sida förvisso, men jag blir nyfiken :D najs med ryska maffian. bara coolt! najs sketcher!

  5. Haha - Tack, Olov! XD Jag bestämde mig en dag för att jag ville skapa lite superhjältar, så jag hittade på ett par stycken - en dag kanske jag till och med hittar en vettig handling att stoppa in dom i.

    Kul att du gillar skisserna.
