But then I couldn't make up my mind which colour-scheme I should use (I like both, but one looks more clichéd-scifi-colours, and the other one looks like steampunk-in-SPACE!-woot .... Which now that I think about it sounds drop-dead awesome) - so I made two examples. I might do others in the future.

... All robots should wear stylish scarves. :P
And to finish up; speedpaint-environment dump - each one took between 10-30 minutes. The bedroom-one has a replica of one of my own posters - drawn by the excellent and very nice Kim W Andersson.

Steampunk i rymden låter indeed mycket awesome. Har nog aldrig sett nån riktig berättelse som utspelar sig i det! Det finns en svensk i stockholm tror jag det är som målar starwars-figurerna i steam punk... kolla in! http://unrealitymag.com/index.php/2011/02/10/bjorn-hurris-steampunk-star-wars/
ReplyDeletejag lutar starkt åt steampunk-hållet, faktiskt - hittills har jag bara en vag aning om handlingen, egentligen, så det är kanske för tidigt att ropa hej, men ändå.
ReplyDeleteAnd I see your totally awesome steampunk!Star Wars, and raise you Steampunk Boba Fett-cosplay
Hahah KimW-affischen! <3