Been a while since I updated this blog - but that's because I haven't really been doing anything sketchdump-worthy lately. It's been comics and posters and more comics and more comics.
But finally, I've got enough stuff to warrant a post. Let's start with the CR-comic stuff:

The sketch for the second page of my comic - everything is subject to change up to the moment I submit it, but this is pretty much what I've got in mind. Except, you know, properly inked, with grey tones and
dialogue and stuff.
Swedish intermission: på tal om Comic Royale - är det nån som vet när deadlinen är? Vem fan ska man lämna in till? Jag har mailat info@comicroyale, men har inte fått något svar överhuvudtaget. D:

Nila Thane - actiongirl! She'd totally give Indiana Jones a run for his money.

Old envelopes are perfect for scribbling on.