Fathoms of the Sky III, excerpt from page 13.
Fathoms III is progressing quite well - 22/24 pages are pencilled, and I'll start inking it soon. I've also plotted out the big picture-stuff on what happens in the rest of the comic. Some of it is still very rough (like, "Gale mopes. Talassa gets lost."), but I've got the final chapter+epilogue pretty much clear in my head. I've done some calculations, and arrived at the conclusion that it'll be 200 pages or less in total.
I've also started thinking about how I'll publish the thing; right now, it's published in pieces by the chapter, but it's really one of those comics that needs to be read as a whole. So I'm thinking of collecting it in one bigger volume once I've published a few more chapters; that is, I'll publish perhaps up to chapter 4 or 5 separately, and then take a break until I've drawn the whole thing and release it in a collected volume.
Of course, this means that people will have to pay at least in part for what they've already bought (the first couple of chapters, that is), but I'm intending to go back and fix things, so that the first half won't just be a re-release of stuff people have already bought. I know there's a mistake in the inking of Gale's gloves in part one, for example, that'll be corrected for the final version. I'm also intending to have some extra material in the volume - concept sketches from me, fanart from friends of mine if they've got the time, etc., etc.
... I'll also be doing smaller print-runs of the separate chapters from now on; 100 copies of each is a bit too much.
Okay, on to the pictures (which is probably why you're here, after all):
New character for the frowny-samurai-story - his name is Tsuda, I think.
Character design for the lead in a short horror comic I want to draw some day - it's full of spooky Edwardian houses and murderous cats.
Costume re-design for Munya, from Golem-verse. I'll be doing minor re-designs of Orme and Auga too; they're being appropriated by Fathoms-verse, which is kind of good for them, because before, I had the characters and a story-theme, but no world to set it in. Now I've got characters, theme and universe; all I need is a solid plot.
Photo-reffed environment practise; really fast, but it felt good to practise the stuff I know I'm not brilliant at.
Mini-sketches that I will be selling att UppCon 2012 for cheap (like, $1 each-cheap), or handing out free to anyone who buys Fathoms I+II as a package.
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